Aksel C. Wiin-Nielsen
Wihuri International Prize 1983

Aksel C. Wiin-Nielsen
Born 17 December 1924 in Klakring, Denmark
Scientist, Meteorological Institute, Denmark, 1952–1955
International Meteorological Institute, Stockholm, 1955–1959
The Joint Numerical Weather Prediction Unit, Suitland, USA, 1959–1961
The National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA, 1961–1963
Professor, Chairman, the Department of Meteorolou and Oceanography, University of Michigan, USA, 1963–1974
Visiting Professor
Universities of Copenhagen, 1969–1970 and Bergen, 1971–1972
Director European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts, 1974–1979
Secretary General: World Meteorological Organization, 1980–1983
Director: Danish Meteorologieal Institute, 1984–1987
Professor: University of Copenhagen, 1988–1994
Professor Emeritus, 1995
Council for the European Centre for MediumRange Weather Forecasts, 1987,
European Geophysical Society, 1988–1990
Fellow of the American Meteorologieal Society
Honorary Member:
Royal Meteorological Society
Member: Finnish Academy of the Science and Letters,
Royal Swedish Academy of Scienees,
Royal Danish Scientific Society
Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (Vice President)
Dr.Sc. (h.c.) University of Reading and
University of Copenhagen.
- numerous scientific papers in atmospheric dynamics
- numerical weather prediction
- the general circulation of the atmosphere.
- Buys-Ballot Gold Medal, 1982, the Royal Netherland Academy of Sciences
Erik Palmén Medal, Finnish Geophysical Society, 1988
Friedman Rescue Award, 1993