John Williams Mellor
Wihuri International Prize 1985

John Williams Mellor
Agricultural economics
Born 28 December 1928 in Paris, France
Assistant Professor, Cornell University,
Department of Agricultural Economics, 1954–1958
Associate Professor, Cornell University, Department of Agricultural Economics and Department of Asian Studies, 1958–1965, Professor 1965–1977
Associate Director, Cornell University Center for International Studies, 1961–1966, Acting Director 1964–1965
Director of The Program on Comparative Economic Development, Cornell University, 1973–1977
Chief Economist, Agency for International Development, Washington D.C., 1976–1977
Directo of International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington D.C., 1977–1990
Research Fellow 1990
Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Fellow of American Agricultural Economics Association
Member of Board of Directors of the International Fund for Agricultural Research, 1990
- numerous books, research reports and articles considering the food problems especially in developing countries, and the role of agricultural development in solving the food problem
- ”The Economics of Agricultural Development” which is probably the world’s most used student reading in the field of agricultural development and food policy in developing countries
Numerous rewards for quality of published research