Aldo van Eyck
Wihuri International Prize 1982

Aldo van Eyck
Born 16 March 1918 in Driebergen,Netherlands
Died 14 January, 1999
Arehitect, professor
Architect in the Public works department, Amsterdam, 1946–1951
Private practice in Amsterdam since 1951
in partnership with Theo Bosch 1971–1983
Tutor in Art History, Enschede, Art and Industrial School,
AKI, Netherlands 1951–1954
Tutor, KNO, Art School, Amsterdam, 1950–1966
Tutor, Academie voor Bouwkunst, 1956–1961
Visiting Tutor, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Washington University, St. Louis, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Tulane University, New Orleans, and the School of Architecture, Singapore, 1961–1968
Guest Professor, ETH, Ziirich, 1977–1978
Professor, Technische Hogeschool Delft, since 1966
Paul Philippe Cret Professor of Arehitecture,
University of Pennsylvania, since 1979
Member of ’De 8 en Opbouw’, since 1946
Dutch delegate to CIAM 1947 until dissolution
COBRA-participant (artist group 1948–1950)
Honorary Doctorate
New Jersey Institute of Technology 1979, Tulane University 1979, Technical University Delft 1990
Honorary Member, Staatliche Kunstakademie Dässeldorf, 1979
Honorary Fellow, The American Institute of Architects, FAIA 1981
- Forum, 1959–1963 and 1967
Founding member
- Team 10, 1953
Sikkens Prize, with Coristant, 1960
Sikkens Prize with Joost van Roojen, 1961
City of Amsterdam Architeeture Prize, 1964, for the Orphanage
First Prize, Protestant Church Competition, Driebergen, Netherlands, 1965
First Prize, Town Hall Competition, Deventer, Netherlands, 1967
First Prize, with Theo Bosch, Nieuwmarkt Master plan Competition, Amsterdam, 1970
First Prize, with Hannie van Eyck, Historical Museum Competition, Zwolle, Netherlands, 1973
Rotterdam Maaskant Prize for 1982
Royal Gold Medal för Arehitecture, RÄ.B.A., 1990
Ikea Prize, Holland, 1992
BNAKubus Prize, 1994
WolfPrize for Architecture, Israel, 1997