Sir Peter Hirsch
Wihuri International Prize 1971

Sir Peter Hirsch
Born 16 January 1925 in Berlin, Germany
M.A., Ph.D. University of Cambridge
Professor Emeritus, University of Oxford
Knight Bachelor 1975
Isaac Wolfson Professor of Metallurgy, University of Oxford 1966-92
Fellow of St Edmund Hall, Oxford, since 1966
Reader in Physics, University of Cambridge 1964-66
Fellow of Christ’s College, Cambridge1960-66, Hon. Fellow 1978
Hon. Fellow St. Catharine’s College, Cambridge 1982
Researches with electron microscope on imperfections in crystalline structure of metals and on relations between structural defects and mechanical properties
Metallurgy and Materials Committee SRC 1970-1973
UKAEA 1982-1984, Isis Innovation Ltd 1988-1996
Technical Advisory Group on Structural Integrity 1993-2002
Materials and Processes Advisory Board, Rolls Royce 1996-2000
Director (non-exec) Rolls Royce Associates 1994-1998
Hon. D.Sc. Newcastle1979, City 1979, Northwestern 1982
Hon. Sc.D. East Anglia 1983, Fellow, Imperial College 1988
Hon. D.Eng. Liverpool 1991, Birmingham 1993
Fellow of the Royal Society 1963
Hon. Member of Spanish Electron Microscope Society 1974,
Hon. Fellow of French Electron Microscope Society,
Hon. Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society 1977, Japan Soc. of Electron Microscopy 1979, Japan Institute of Metals 1989, Materials Research Society of India 1990,
Member of Academia Europaea 1989,
Hon. Member of the Chinese Electron Microscope Society, 1992,
Foreign Member of the Royal Academy of Science and Fine Arts of Belgium 1995,
Foreign Associate of the US National Academy of Engineering 2001,
Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Materials 2002; President of the British Joint Committee for Electron Microscopy; Foreign Member of American Academy of Arts and Sciences 2005,
Foreign Member of Russian Academy of Sciences 2006.
- Co-author with Howie, Nicholson, Pashley and Whelan, “Electron Microscopy of Thin Crystals” 1965
- Editor “The Physics of Metals 2 – Defects” 1975
- Editor “Topics in Electron Diffraction and Microscopy of Materials 1999
- Co-editor with B. Cantor: Progress in Materials Science Vol. 36 1992
- Co-editor with D. Lidbury: “Fracture, Plastic Flow and Structural Integrity” 2000
- “Methods for the Assessment of the Structural Integrity of Components and Structures” 2003
- Co-editor with D.J.H.Cockayne and J.Spence “50 Years of Transmission Electron Microscopy of Dislocations” 2006
Rosenhain Medal of Institute of Metals 1961
C.V. Boyes Prize of Institute of Physics and Physical Society 1962
American Society of Metals Lecture 1966
Clamer Medal of Franklin Institute 1970
Royal Soc. Hughes Medal 1973
Metals Soc.Platinum Medal 1976
Royal Medal of the Royal Soc.1977
Griffith Medal, Materials Sc. Club 1979
Arthur Von Hippel Award, Materials Res. Society 1983
Wolf Prize in Physics, Wolf Foundation 1983-1984 jointly with E. Hahn and T. Maiman
Hatfield Memorial Lecture 1985
Dist. Scientist Award, Electron Microscopy Society of America 1986
Holweck Prize, Institute of Physics and French Physical Society 1988
Gold Medal, Japan Inst. of Metals 1989
Acta Metallurgica Gold Medal 1997
Heyn Medal of German Society for Materials Science 2002
Lomonosov Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2006