Niilo O.B. Hallman
Wihuri International Prize 1997

Niilo O.B. Hallman
Born 15 July 1916 in Kuopio, Finland
Studied at Helsinki University, MD and PhD 1943 (dissertation 1940)
Research Fellow, Department of Pediatrics Harvard University Medical School, Boston 1947–1948
Professor of Pediatrics, University of Helsinki 1956–1983
Head of University Hospital Children’s Department 1957–1983
Associate Dean 1966–1969, active interest in medical education Chairman and member of a number of committees and study groups appointed by Ministries, the National Board of Health or by medical associations
Invited lecturer in several countries in Europe and other continents
Close cooperation with WHO, UNICEF and a number of international and national pediatric organizations, particularly in the developing world
Chairman of Board Mannerheim League for Child Welfare 1961–1986
Organizer and director of the Teaching Health Centre projects of the Mannerheim League in Africa 1971–2000
Member Finnish Academy of Science and Letters 1964
Member Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher LEOPOLDINA 1966
Executive committees of the European Society for Pediatric Research (President 1963), European Society for Pediatric Nephrology (President 1969), International Association for Pediatric Nephrology (President 1977), International Pediatric Association 1968–1998 (President 1986–1989)
Honorary President of the Finnish Pediatric Association and of the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare
Honorary member:
four other Finnish medical or social organizations and 21 international or national pediatric associations or societies
Awarded Honorary Doctorates:
Haceteppe University, Ankara, Turkey, Kuopio University, Finland
- In total more than 200 original publications (ca 50 in Finnish). Special interest in metabolism and gastroenterology, in newborn and premature infants, nephrology and social pediatrics.