Rolf Nevanlinna
Wihuri International Prize 1958

Born 22 October 1895 in Joensuu, Finland
Died 28 May 1980 in Helsinki
Professor of Mathematics at Helsinki University 1926–1947
Rector of Helsinki University 1941–1945
Professor at Zurich University 1947–1948
Chancellor of Turku University 1965–1970
President of the International Mathematical Union 1959–1962
Member: Academy of Finland 1948–1965
Honorary Member: Finnish Academy of Science and Letters,
Academy of Science of Hungary
Corresponding Member:
Institut de France 1967
Academy of Sciences of Sweden,
Academy of Sciences of Denmark
Honorary Professor: Zurich University
Awarded Honorary Doctorates by Heidelberg, Bucharest, Giessen, Berlin, Jyväskylä, Glasgow, Uppsala and Istanbul Universities
Sur la théorème de PicardBorel et la théorie des fonctions méromorphes 1929
Eindeutige analytische Funktionen 1936, 1953
Viivallinen algebra (Linear Algebra) 1951
Uniformisierung 1959, 1968
Absolute Analysis (with F. Nevanlinna) 1959, 1973
Suhteellisuusteorian periaatteet (The Principles of the Theory of Relativity) 1962
Funktioteoria (The Theory of Function) and Funktionentheorie (with V. Paatero) 1963
Raum, Zeit und Relativität 1965
Analytical Functions 1970
Geometrian perusteet (The Principles of Geometry) 1973
Grundlagen der Geometrie (with P. Kustaanheimo) 1976
Henrik Steffens Prize 1967