Sir John McMichael
Wihuri International Prize 1968

Sir John McMichael
Born 25 July 1904, Edinburgh, GreatBritain
Died 3 March 1993 in London, Great Britain
FRS 1957, MD, FRCP, FRCPE, FACP (Hon.),
Hon. LLD (Edinburgh),
MD (Melbourne),
Hon. Dsc (Newcastle, Sheffield, Birmingham, Ohio),
Hon. ScD (Dublin) Director of the British Postgraduate Medical Federation 1966–1971
Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of London,
Beit Mernorial Fellow 1930–1934,
Johnston and Lawrence Fellow,
Fellow of the Royal Society 1937–1939
University teaching appointments in Aberdeen, Edinburgh and London
Director, Department of Medicine, Royal Postgraduate Medical School of London 1946–1966
Member of the Medical Research Council 1949–1953
Vice President of the Royal Society 1968–1970
President of the World Congress of Cardiology 1970
Honorary Member of Medical and Physical Societies in numerous countries
Foreign Associate of Academies in several countries
Numerous international Lectureships and Awards
Fellow, Royal Postgraduate Medical School 1972
- Pharmacology of the Failing Human Heart, 1951
- Numerous papers on
- Splenic Anaemia, 1931–1935
- Cardiac Output in Health and Disease, 1938–1947,
- Lung Capacity in Man, 1938–1939,
- Liver Circulation and Liver Disease, 1932–1943